Back Pain
The majority of back and lumbar spine pain is not serious and is likely to settle within a couple of days to eight weeks. If you are worried or would like Fay Pedler Clinic to check you out, please get in touch.
Physiotherapy for Back Pain
Back pain is very common, you will know someone who has suffered with back pain as 85% of the population are likely to experience symptoms in their lifetime. The cause is often not serious with most cases improving within eight weeks of onset.
For some, back pain can continue for months and even years however, most back pain can be managed independently with the help and guidance of experienced Physiotherapists.
Click here to read about the common causes of lower back pain
Symptoms and causes of lower back pain
Back pain, lumbar spine pain, lumbago, mechanical back pain, non-specific back pain, simple back pain and slipped discs are all terms used to describe painful symptoms emanating from the lower back and/or top of the buttocks.
Often the pain experienced is moderate to severe restricting normal movement and function.
Sitting, driving, rising to standing, putting on shoes & socks, washing up, brushing teeth and sitting on the loo are regularly reported as aggravating factors whilst heat, a change of position, walking and medication help to settle pain.
Click here for more information on the symptoms of backache.
Chartered Physiotherapists are expertly placed to collect a detailed medical history and provide a thorough spinal assessment to be able to safely diagnose back pain.
Medical history forms the foundation of the assessment which will include your current presenting symptoms, when and how symptoms began, levels/types/frequency of any pain, medication, previous trauma/surgery/spine problems.
More in depth questioning regarding bladder and bowel function, bedroom performance difficulties, sleep pattern and weight will provide plenty of clues to the underlying cause of the problem and eventual diagnosis.
Click here for more information on the diagnosis of backache.
Written information is great at providing reassurance however sitting down and discussing individual problems with an understanding professional allows for greater understanding of the complaint tailoring the advice and treatment.
Fay Pedler Physiotherapists are expertly placed to diagnose, advise and treat all musculoskeletal conditions including non-serious back pain.
Diagnosis will outline severity of symptoms, timescales for recovery, how to best manage and advise on adaptations to make life more comfortable whilst symptoms settle.
Click here for more information on the treatment of backache.
When to seek professional advice/help
The majority of back pain improves within a couple of days to eight weeks. Contact your pharmacist/GP if pain is severe and you require pain medication above what’s available over the counter (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen etc).
Patients with a new onset of raised temperature, generally feeling unwell and a previous history of cancer and/or osteoporosis should make contact with their GP to ensure a more serious cause is not at play.
- have pain in the back of both legs simultaneously
- have numbness, tingling, altered sensation around your bottom (saddle area) and genitals
- are unable to control urination (peeing), stop/start, struggle to go at all
- lose control of your bowels/become incontinent of faeces (poop yourself!)
- become unsteady when walking, develop a different walking pattern or weakness in your legs/feet.
If you experience any of these symptoms then you should attend the emergency department immediately as you are demonstrating signs that the nerves in the base of your spine are being compressed which requires urgent medical attention. Failure to act immediately may result in devastating life long changes to your bladder and bowel function.
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