Is My Back Pain Something… Serious?

Is My Back Pain Something… Serious?

I get asked this question a lot in the clinic. The great news is that in the vast majority of cases, there is no sinister cause for lower back pain, we term these cases “non-specific” or “mechanical” lower back pain; implying a non-specific cause, as opposed to...
Back Pain – is it serious?  Part 2

Back Pain – is it serious? Part 2

Non serious back pain accounts for 90% of all reported cases of lumbar spine back pain and should resolve within eight weeks if managed appropriately.  Although painful and often debilitating you should consider managing your symptoms in the same way that you would...
Back Pain – is it serious?

Back Pain – is it serious?

Back pain, lumbar spine pain, lumbago, mechanical back pain, non-specific back pain, simple back ache and slipped discs are all terms that can be used to describe painful symptoms emanating from the lower back or top of the buttocks. Often the pain experienced is...