Knee Pain

Whether an an acute knee injury or gradually developed knee pain over time, we are experts in diagnosing and treating knee pain and injury.

Knee Pain/Injury diagnosis and treatment

Whether you have sustained an acute knee injury or have gradually developed knee pain over a period of time, our Physiotherapists are experts in diagnosing and treating knee pain and injury.

The knee is a hinge joint which bends, straightens and rotates. The joint is formed between the thigh bone, shin bone and knee cap with heaps of muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage supporting the knee in association with capsules, bursae and fat pads. A singular structure or combination of a few/many/all could be the source of knee pain.
It makes identifying the problem structure easier if we can identify the area of the knee the symptoms are which we split into four parts, front (anterior), back (posterior), inside (medial) and outside (lateral).


Click the image for more information on the types of knee pain
Front Knee Pain

Anterior Knee Pain

Posterior Knee Pain

Posterior Knee Pain

Medial Knee Pain

Medial Knee Pain

Outside Knee Pain

Lateral Knee Pain


Knee problems can present in many ways from acute injuries sustained during sport or accidents, repetitive overuse injuries, normal age-related changes and out of the blue. Knees may lock or get stuck in a position, they may give-way or feel unstable and they may crack and pop with movement. Knees may be stiff on getting out of chairs or bed, however, improve with a few steps. Swelling may be present around the knee restricting full movement and there is likely pain at rest, during activity, odd times or all the time. The knee may not be able to tolerate weight being placed upon it and may look deformed or out of alignment.


Book online here or call the clinic (01752) 664519 to arrange an appointment with one of our professional Physiotherapists who will fully assess your knee including a thorough history of how the problem started, developed and currently behaves. Bring along some shorts or large pants in order to expose both knees so a thorough physical examination can be performed.

Your physiotherapist will be interested in how you walk, get in and out of chairs and onto the treatment couch. Your knee joint, cartilage and ligaments will be stressed for signs of problems. Your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, adductor and abductor muscles will be tested for signs of weakness or restriction that combined will provide the diagnosis to develop your specific treatment plan.


Following a thorough discussion on your new diagnosis a treatment plan will be discussed and agreed with you. Acute injuries may be advised POLICE protocol which we cover on a separate webpage: Muscle Injuries
Hands-on treatment for ligament, muscle or tendon injuries may be appropriate. Stretches and strengthening exercises may be incorporated at the correct time during the healing cycle. Progression of loading programmes and consideration of shockwave therapy for longer term tendinopathy presentations may be advised.

Treatment will consist of advice and education on the condition including pain management strategies as well as the local NHS and Private pathways to seeing Orthopaedic consultants for consideration of surgery to repair ligaments, cartilage or muscles that fail to recover naturally given requisite time. Replacement joint surgery may also be considered following a thorough course of physiotherapy led exercise, treatment and discussion with your GP.

There are not any recipes or formulas for treating an unhappy knee joint. Having the knee assessed professionally, thoroughly engaging in the assessment, treatment and the rehabilitation process will provide positive timely outcomes.

Some of the common injuries we see are:

ACL tear/reconstruction
Patella femoral joint maltracking
ITB friction syndrome
Fat pad impingement
Medial ligament tears
Meniscal/ Cartilage injuries/Surgery
Knee arthroscopy rehabilitation
Patella femoral dysfunction or dislocations
If you would like to know if we can help you with your particular knee injury, please do not hesitate to contact us

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